We are on a mission, to get more people in your
and help you make more money!
This is listing site for Battle High Street.
Businesses outside of Battle will not be allowed to list.
They must be within a 3km radius to be able to list.
High Street Businesses are listed for FREE, those off of the high street can list for a small fee
We have a number of different listing types.
The aim is for this to be THE GO TO listing for all of Battle High Street.
We wil be building an email list, an a dedciated facebook page, to grow and engage our local residents. We want this to be a "living" website that forces people to come back for the lastest offers.
What we would like all of the High Street to do is to come up with an offer that can be listed on here.
A monthly email will go out to all subscribers with my 3 favourite offers, and a link to the offers page which will highlight ALL businesses that have given an offer.
The plan is that local residents will receive this email, and have access to this site and make choices about coming to the high street instead of driving to another town or Tesco's.
You do NOT have to provide an offer to get a listing.
If you wish to improve your listing, without an offer, this is fine, but we will ask for a small annual fee to improve your listing. you won't have access to the better positons on the site without an agreed offer.
I have explained the different types of listing below.
Listings to choose from.
A FREE listing for all Battle High Street businesses.
Not very exciting, but will help locals and visitors find you.
This will be found at the bottom of each of the listings pages.
No offer provided, this is not available for off high street businesses.
Basic - FREE to everyone
This will appear above the basic listing and allows you to provide a customer offer to encourage people to come into your store.
Full address and telephone number.
One image of your choice is included.
This is FREE for all high street businesses but you must provide a customer offer on your listing.
If you are off the high street but within 3km, you are not eligible for this listing.
The image below is an example only. You can see the offer at the bottom.
BHS Offer listing - FREE - with offer
This will appear alongside other businesses that have provided a offer for visitors.
Full address and telephone number.
One image of your choice is included.
But you do NOT have to include a offer. We just ask you to pay a small annual fee to have the increased visibility.
Businesses within the 3km radius.
You can see at the bottom no offer is present.
BHS NO Offer listing or,
off of Battle High Street - £20
This will appear near the top under the relevant category for a period of one month.
Click on any category, as you scroll down, it is the 3 businesses that slide in the green banner.
The Month to be agreed in order of application and priority. See bottom for priority explanation.
Full address and telehone number.
Short description.
Links to website and socials.
May be listed under a second relevant catergory but as a "BHS Offer listing" (with pictures).
It will be a band of 3 highlighted businesses. so will ensure when searching the category the customer will see your business early on.
You do need to include an offer.
It will ensure you are clearly visible to category vistors.
Category Banner Listing - £35
This is guaranteed to be the first business seen when a customer visits the category.
You will have this position for a period of one month.
You will then be moved to the Category Banner Listing for one month.
Then into the BHS offer listings.
Into one of the first seen spots, priority 3
Full Address and telehone number.
Long description.
Links to website and socials.
May be listed under a second relevant catergory but as a "BHS Offer listing" (with pictures).
A dedicated page will be set up under "battlehighstreet.com/yourbusinessnamehere"
so this can hold a further 3 smaller images and a an extra block of text to be used as an "about", or more information on what you have to offer.
First main image people see when clicking through to your selected category.
First Business under category - £75
You will be featured on the main page.
Same set up as the "upgraded category listing". But instead of having to click through to the category, this will be on the main page, straight under the main featured business.
Every visitor to the website will see this banner.
You will have this placement for one month. You can request which month to have this placement and they will be agreed in order of request and priority.
You may be given Main Business under category, if no other businesses have taken this spot, priorty 2.
You will then be moved to the Category Banner Listing for one month.
Then into the BHS offer listings.
Into one of the first seen spots, priority 2
Full address and telehone number.
Short description.
Links to website and socials.
May be listed under a second relevant catergory but as a "BHS Offer listing" (with pictures). Seasonal offer must be offered during main category listing.
Main page banner listing - £100
You will be the first business every visitor sees.
You will have this position for one month of your choice, agreed in order of application and priority.
You must provide a seasonal offer whilst in this position.
You will also have
one month on the main banner.
one month on the category main
one month on the category banner
8 months on the prime postion 1,2, or 3 on the BHS offer listings section.
4 months in one of the prime spots.
Dedicated web listing
Featured in monthly email for the month you are the main business.
You will be priority 1 in all listings movements.
Maximum of 12 businesses per year for this listing type.
Same set up as the "upgraded category listing". But instead of having to click through to the category, this will be on the main page, straight under the main featured business.
Every visitor to the website will see this banner.
Full address and telehone number.
Short description.
Links to website and socials.
May be listed under a second relevant catergory but as a "BHS Offer listing" (with pictures).
Main page, Main listing - £150
Choose your pricing plan
High Street Business with a BHS offer
0£If you are on the high street, and are happy to provide a BHS offer, you get a free upgraded listing.Free PlanNo OFFER Listing - or Off High street
20£Every yearIf you are on the high street, but dont want to make an offer, or you are off of high street (within 3km), you must make an offer.Category Banner Listing
35£Every yearYou want to stand out from the crowd. This selection gets you in the top featured banner of your category. Underneath the main featured listing (the green boxes)First Business - Category
75£Every yearThis gets you the main listing under the category for one month. The big box at the top under each category. And a sub listingMain Page Banner Listing
100£Every yearSub featured on main page for one month, main featured on category for one month and then sub featured for rest of year.Main Page, Main Listing
150£Every yearMain Page, top featured for 1 month. Sub featured on main page for one month, main featured on category for one month and then sub featured for rest of year. You will also get your own sub page.
Plan will renew annually, please contact 30 days before renewal in order to cancel. Or you can login anytime before payment has fallen due to cancel. Once payment is taken and the business is listed, no refund will be offered. Add a reminder to your calendar today!
Our Priorities
To make sure you are seen.
To make sure you get value for money.
To make sure we are driving business to each and every business on the high street.
The section beside highlights how we will prioritise the businesses as the website changes each month.
Essentially if you pay for a main page company listing, you get main priority, never being lower than category, top row of offers.
Thus ensuring you are no less than row 3 for 8 months and a better priority for 4 months.
Basic Listing - Priority 7
To make sure every business on the high street has a basic name and telephone number listing.
No Offer Listing - Priority 6
You will get a listing above those who do not wish to participate, but below those with an offer.
Offer listing - 5
You will get priority position over business that choose to list without an offer. It's FREE.
Category Banner - Priory 4
You will go in front of the free listings in the block. But you will be behind the other upgraded options
Category Main - Priority 3
You will be the main listing in a category for one month. Then drop to banner, then offer listing.
Main Page Banner - Priority 2
Main page banner one month, then category listing, then category banner, then offer listing, but in one of the prime positions.
Main Page Main Company - Priority 1
Main page, main company one month, then main page banner for one month, then category listing, then category banner, then offer listing, but in one of the prime positions.